Thursday, September 24, 2009

November 2008

I decided to do EVS, to make a break in my life, to discover a new country, to learn about a new culture and to realize if the life abroad is made for me.

I was so exciting to leave my own culture and to travel to a new adventure!!!

On November, to the pre-departure training in France. We talked about our expectations, objectifs, fears, doubt, cultur's choc and technic's subjects as insurance and money.
18 youngs, future international volunteers in destination to : Germany, England, Azerbaidjan, Kosovo, Italie, Espagne, Israel, Bosnia, Bulgaria, lituania... between 6 months to a year.

One evening of November 2008 in the airport Brnik, my mentor, Sabina and my coordinator, Nevenka welcomed me with a big hug and smile.

It was the begining of a new page......

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