Thursday, September 24, 2009

December 2008

The time was running so fast and already one month at Ptuj....

I had time to discover Ptuj, to eat some slovenian specialities, to learn fiew slovene sentences (ne razumen slovensko!), to meet people and to go to the on-arrival training!

This training is the possibility to meet all new volunteers in Slovenia but also to talk about our first feeling. The training took place at Pliskovica near Sežanna, luckily, we had a visit of the village and a tasting of honey and wine.
At the end of the week, Movit and National Agency organised a dinner at Osmica, they invited all volunteers from Slovenia but also the next Slovenian volunteer, hosting and sending organisation.
It was nice time together, this mix of cultur!!

Video from this dinner.

During Veseli December, I helped for the make up. It is so funny, all this exhibitions, costums organised for the children.

I felt strange to be away of home for Christmas but it was before I knew what I going to live for the Christmas holidays!

Christmas was amazing! I spent it with my new firends from Portugal, Spain and Makedonia. We ate tortillas (Spanish speciality) quiche (French speciality) and Slovene wine!!, nothing in relation with the tipical Chritmas meal!!
We felt good to do not be alone in this family time.
We celebrated New Year at Zagreb, one step in Croatia and the ears opened to understand this Slovenia-Croatia clash...
In spite of the cold, the new year's night was amazing, under pyrotechnic work and wished luck for the year 2009!!

Veliko screčno 2009 za vse!!!!

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