Monday, September 21, 2009

August 2009

During this month, I enjoyed to discover new places. I went to one scout camp, jambore, near Murska Sobota, to represent EVS and to show some tipycal French games as "la tomate" or "le jeu du foulard". Interesting it was, to live two days in an other world. Children's scout are very united and matur. They know how to live with the minimun of comfort. Leaders organized workshops about chemistry, youth in action program, sport, aids, Europe, military work....
We had visit from Minister of Defense, as well they did a concert around the fire. Nice time!

After this camp I participated to an other one, organised by Sonček; happened at Eleri near Koper. I helped people for daily tasks and accompagned them during activities. I learnt a lot, by example how to carry a person from a chair to a bed, how to dress a person... and improved my Slovene!! We really had a very good week together. Handicaped people are really nice people, very open, so warm, they accept and like you for that you are... It is a real lesson of life.
During one week, activities were : riding horse, swimming-pool, archery, canoe, expression corporel, manual activities.
No time to get borring! The week was very fast, I was sad to leave people and to say goodbye... (that is waiting me soon!!)

August was also time for holidays!!
With my friends, we travelled to the Balkan. Hoppefully the weather was perfect.
Montenegro was our first stop, how nice country is it. One of my friend, who is from Montenegro showed us different part of this country, the seaside but also the countryside and some typical villages. It is so sad than people are not use to garbage, so much rubbish on the street, on the corner, on the water...
Something shocked me; we were at Budva, the bigest city of the seaside, at the city center, on one side of the street, open bars, parties... It is a contest, which club has the loudest music?
And on the same street but on the over side, children asking for money, sitting, sleeping on one piece of carton. It show us how this country possess two world; one turn to the buisiness, living with the money's dream power and an other living poorly.

After fiew days there we took the direction of Sarajevo, we arrived very early in the morning and we found a place near a field to sleep, a bit under the stars ****.
It was so emotional to ear the mosque's call; imagine, the dark, no noises around, only this song... It makes my hairs rise.
With the sunup, we woke up and try to find the direction of the city center because the bus left us away of the center. Even when we arrived, we asked ourselve, are we really at Sarajevo?
Because only fiew buildings and fields around us.
So, we followed the mean street with emotion, I had in my head pictures from the war and I imagined on this street, army's car, battles or the Day of Independance. You really feel something which makes you silent.
The city till have trail from the war, sign of gunfire on a lot of buildings. They are rebuilding the city. I hope to go in 5 or 10 years and observ the diference.
We walked all the day, went to differents monuments, took many pictures and visited the memorial. We were surprised because this place is completly abandoned, nobody take care, there are tags, rubbish and plants growing everywhere. We hear from one Bosnian guide, than the community do not care about it and they are looking to the futur. As they want to forget one part of them past...
We continuted our adventure with 10 hours in the train which brang us to Beograd. I expected hardest border control but they only check the passport, luckyli, we could sleep!!
Fiew steps out of the train station... and Oh My God!!! So away of Bosnia's sensation!!
This is a big city!!! Of course, we got lost, it is very big, we stopped often and changed our way to an other because the street looks more attractive to an other one so.....
Anyway, we saw all that it is possible to see in one day but I should say, it is pretty much interesting to walk in the city than to visit this monument's tourist.
We got problem with one shop, they did not respect the fact we are foreign and the saleswoman was not nice and stole us money on our purchase.
We were angry but so, like this is the life, we got a lesson, do not trust unknow people.
At the end of the day, we finaly found one shop where they sell rakija as my family and friend could taste it.
We spend an other night in the train in direction to..... Skopje!! So long and uncomfortable travel.
Border's control were strange... Because of our nationality, French, they asked us if we had drugs?!?!
What kind of pictures have they from French people?!?!
Just arrived, out of the train, a men told my friend she has to pay taxes... (?!?!)of course the money will be for him!!
The story continued with the taxi driver "where do you go? It is far away! It cost 5 euros!"
After 10 minutes, you only want to say s*** up and run away!
Motivated to find the youth hostel by ourselves, we walked in its direction but we resign ourselves to take a taxi, nobody in the street could inform us (I should say, we did not meet so much inhabitants but a lot of taxi drivers!!).
Finaly without backpack, we could enjoy!
We visited the national museum, it retrace the history of Makedonija and show archeologic pieces.
Afterward, we went through the city, amazing!! Different scultures' characters decorate the street but they look so natural!!
Next on the other side of the bridge, we went through a fortress/stronghold. On the top of on tower, we enjoyed the view of the city under a warmer sun!!!
We also tasted some sweets and took a look to the post office! It is worth a look!! Believe me!!!
After Skopje, we took direction to Ohrid, 3 hours by bus.

I was a bit disapointed by the lake, is not so clean and the view is not so amazing as I expected but we liked to walk around it.
However the city is beautiful... the old part is wonderful.
We saw typical dance's perfomance and tasted the Makedonian beer. I prefer the one from Bosnia... and Laško ;)

A week and 4 countries later, we back to Slovenia, the easy way : by bus. We survived at 17 hours (whose 6 in the traffic jam at the border) and 6 border's controls.
We observed than us, European people when we wait in line (for the control) it is a big disorder, mess... if you compar with people from Bosnia, Serbia, they wait in a very clear line, when one does a step, the next does also....

So back at Ljubljana, with a lot of memories and a wish to go again!!

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