Monday, September 21, 2009

The end

Already September.... it is time for me to organiz my come back : to buy tickets, to prepar the bags, to find some presents and enjoy as possible the last month.

It is also the time of feedback, report and youthpass.
Documents to write in English, you have to explain about your preparation, trainings, expetactions, cultural's difference, your work, informal learning......

I am very happy of having this chance to live this amazing experience. It was not easy everydays, my mood was up and down but by this feelings you learnt how to react and you discover than you are stronger as ever think.

I will never forget my first day, the plane, the first meeting with my organisation, the first view of Ptuj, the first purchase at mercator, the first snow, the first Slovene lesson, the first performance of Veseli December, my first Christmas and New Year abroad, the first day of winter's activities, Otročka Maškarada, Kurentovanje, the mayor in costum, the first workshop with Sonček, the first visit in the school and the funny face people had when they try to pronounce my name : Aourélié (this is in my language how in Slovenian language you prononce my name)!!.... so many things as I will never have enough place to write it down.

I still don't believe than I am here since 10 months. I remember my arrival, completly exciting and lost with my catastrophic English!! Searching in the airport hall, my mentor and coodinator and it was time for my first slovene word : dober večer!!!

10 months is nothing in one life but I learnt so so much during this time...
I learnt about myself, relationship, life, the world...
I also found what kind of job I would like to do, this experience introduced me to different people from divers background or with special needs and I realy like, I feel fine with them.

EVS, is not only a program from the EU, it is experience of life, unforgetable and human experience...

Big thanks to my hosting organisation : CID and all the team. For created an EVS project and for support and help. I was lucky and glad to have met you.

But also:

*The center Sonček which gave me the freedom to lead manual activities.
*Dijaški dom for let me came to the classroom during evening to play with the kids and to get some fun.
*Every schools and associations at Ptuj which offer me the chance to participate to their projects, camp and to talk about France.
*Slovenska Filantropija to let us organised hairdress and make up workshop for assylum seekers.
*To all people I met in Slovenia. Each meeting gave me something unforgetable.
*And to Slovenia for being so beautiful.

I wish you all the best and see you somewhere (we never know!!)

Hvala lepa!!!


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