Thursday, September 24, 2009

July 2009

The first week end happened the festival Ana Desetnica at Ljubljana. Two of my friends worked on it. It was excellent!! Everytime, perfomances in the street, teater, clowns, junggling, circus and the crazy compagny Malabar (from France), with a big boat they travelled in Ljubljana center, to stop in Preseren square and organised a party with soapsuds!! A lot of people came, the city looked so full, Slovenian people but also a lot of foreign. Ljubljana does not look the same during summer holidays: a lot of tourists!!! This event is also opportunity to meet and to talk with the artists. They are from all around the world. But the time of their performance, you forget and do not care where are they from only the movement, the act and the pleassure they give are the most important...

An other festival!!! Lent at Maribor!! One of my friend is leaving in a village next to Maribor, she showed me the city and we saw different performances as street air teater, circus, acrobatic plane's fly, a concert of Lolobrigida and Elvir Lakovic! This group are amazing!! Full of energy, they jump, dance.... You just want to do the same... and we did it!!! :)

After this Lent, I went with other friends to.... Pivo and cvetje!!
And there, katastrofa!!!! Only drunck people, disrespect... We did not enjoy as much we expected. We found consolation by hiking the hill Hum, much more interesting!!

In July, with help from different Slovenian volunteers, we purposed activities to children. In different places at Ptuj : Rimsko ploščad, Arbajterjevo, Ljudski vrt and Mestni park.
We had different workshops : Ball and poy's creation, clay, kite, tetrapak's wallet, music instrument's creation, giant's creation, joallerie, flag's creation, hidden treasure and different collectifs games.
I realy wanted to have an united children's group. The kids now in our society, are very individualist and egoist. We have to show them how it is important to work and to respect the work of someone else.

It was very nice time, the sun was, almost present everyday. Each team brang something unique to the children.

On this link a video from a week of activities.

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